How to Buy Canadian at T&T Supermarket – Boycott American Products at Asian Grocery Stores

Donald Trump put 25% tariffs on Canada. Canadians fight back by buying Canadian and boycotting U.S. goods.

When it comes to Asian groceries shopping, what Canadian products to buy and what American products to avoid? Let’s take a look at T&T supermarket which is the largest Asian supermarket chain in Canada.

T&T kitchen and bakery prepare food freshly daily at the supermarket using domestic and imported ingredients.

Vegetable, fruits and seafood are from all around the world. Shoppers need to pay attention to individual label to identify Canadian and American products.

Fish balls made locally in Toronto

Most meat and dairy products are locally sourced in Canada.

T&T Pork Sausages
T&T Pork Sausages are made in Canada
T&T pork sausage(frozen) is made in Canada using Canadian meat
Soy Milk locally made in Toronto

Most soy milk and tofu sold at T&T supermarket are made in Canada but some brands are American.

As for soy milk, only the brand name “Superior Natural” is American. All other soy milk with Chinese names are Canadian products.

There are many brand names when it comes to tofu. “T&T” and “Sunrise” are Canadian. “House Foods”, “San Sui” and “Superior Natural” are American.

T&T Soft Tofu is a product of Canada
T&T organic fresh tofu is made in Canada
T&T organic firm tofu is made in Canada
Sunrise tofu is made in Canada
House Foods tofu is a product of USA
San Sui tofu is a product of USA
Superior Natural tofu is made in USA

Most fresh noodles and all dumpling wrappers are made locally in Toronto, including those made by Sun On Food Co.

Sun On Chow Mien is made in Toronto
Sun On noodles are made locally in Toronto

Most frozen meals, buns and dumplings are made in Canada, China or USA.

Ten Ten buns are made locally in Toronto
T&T Green Onion Beef Steamed Bun
T&T frozen buns are made in Canada
T&T Soup Dumplings are made in Canada
T&T Soup Dumplings are made in Canada

T&T soup dumplings are made in Canada. But other regular dumplings may or may not be made in Canada.

T&T dumplings sold at T&T kitchen(hot or frozen) are made locally in Toronto at T&T’s own kitchen. However, those frozen T&T dumpling sold along with other brands are all products of USA.

T&T dumplings are products of USA

Most dumplings under the brand name “Synear” are made in USA except Synear’s vegetarian dumplings which are 100% Chinese.

Synear dumplings made in USA

Bibigo Korean dumplings are also made in USA.

The best Canadian dumplings are made by Ten Ten Dim Sum in Toronto.

Loblaws is out of control – 50% off rotten vegetables

加拿大目前正掀起 #loblawsisoutofcontrol 运动,因为嫌弃他家超市物价高,号召5月份抵制Loblaws旗下超市,其中就包括我今天去的这间位于北约克Bayview大街旁的Your Independent Grocer。





豆芽下面就是上海青。大片大片叶子已经全黄,甚至腐烂变质成为泥巴状, 兵马俑的颜色。被误认为是出土文物都不过分。半价也要$1.75/磅,几乎是华人超市新鲜蔬菜促销价的两倍。



Japan Airlines Toronto-Beijing $1411 return


Boxing Day Shopping in Toronto , Canada


The Bay百货公司全场低至4折,清仓货额外再减一半价格,例如某双鞋原价$170,现价$49;某条牛仔裤原价$65,现价$15。如果申请它家的金融卡,当日购物可再减25%

现在不但百货公司推出金融卡,咖啡店也推出金融卡,两者其实都是找的同一家金融业者合作的。Tim Hortons的卡现场办理还加送$20购物卡。

加拿大黑五:多伦多黑色星期五特价 买什么好

黑色星期五已经成为加拿大每年打折力度最大的购物促销季,今天我带大家来到多伦多Fairview Mall购物中心,看看加拿大常见的品牌有哪些黑五特价值得买。

Aritzia全场五折,但Super Puff不打折。H&M有额外9折,但原价就很贵,不值得买。


Urban Planet是加拿大最便宜的连锁服装店,例如帽子4顶共$13.99。

The Bay感觉快要倒闭了,打折也很厉害,清仓货额外再减25%或40%。鞋子都是最低价再减40%,例如这双Reebok原价$120,现价$57.6,并且不是Final Sale,可以退换货,说明还有降价空间。

ONLY & SONS牛仔裤额外减25%,原价$65,现价$23.22

The Bay里面的Zellers平时从不打折,但这次清货商品额外再减40%。例如5条内裤现在一共仅需$10.18。



