Hong Kong – Guam, Saipan, Ishigaki, Chiang Rai, Hualien, Yangon, HK$24


指定優惠航點:關島、塞班島 、石垣島、清萊、花蓮、仰光

訂購日期:2016年12月31日 (只限24小時!!)

As a thank you for your support in 2016, we have prepared a very special gift for you! 24 HOURS ONLY, fares from ONLY $24 HKD* at https://goo.gl/nG94pX from midnight tonight.
Be sure to book early to avoid disappointment.

Applicable routes: Guam, Saipan, Ishigaki, Chiang Rai, Hualien, Yangon

Booking period: 31 Dec 2016 – no extensions!
Travel period: 1 Mar – 14 Dec 2017

机票预订 | 酒店预订立减15美元