
中国官方通讯社新华社北京时间5月8日消息称,缅甸仰光机场警方说,孟加拉航空公司(Biman Bangladesh Airlines)一架客机当地时间5月8日晚间在缅甸仰光机场滑出跑道,飞机断成三截,目前伤亡情况不明。

孟加拉最大的英文媒体《每日星报》(The Daily Star)当天报道称,孟加拉航空公司公关总经理默拉克(Shakil Meraj)告知,事故BG060航班载有33名乘客,18时20分在仰光国际机场着陆时由于恶劣天气条件影响,滑出跑道。

另外,航空公司消息人士透露称,已知包括飞行员在内,有数人受伤。 中国中央电视台新闻网报道称,包括乘务人员,机上共40人,其中28人受伤。

Yangon International Airport did not confirm the crash but announced that heavy rain had caused them to suspend “runway operations until further notice”.

Other incoming flights were diverted to the capital Naypyidaw.

People on board were from Bangladesh, Myanmar, Canada, China, India, France and Switzerland.

Civilian airline accidents are relatively rare in Myanmar although there has been a series of crashes of military aircraft. Three fighter pilots were killed last year in three separate crashes.